How To Write an Employment Contract with Household Staff

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Do you need a contract between you and your employees? How long should the contract last, and what terms should the contract have? At what stage of employment should an agreement be signed? These are questions as an employer stuck in your mind when you think of employing household staff. There are specific terms that should exist when a contract is made.

A contract is brought to the table when a potential employee agrees to take on a job offer regardless of the job offer being on paper. The agreement should be well detailed to avoid any future misunderstandings between employer and employee.

It is okay to draft your contract with your terms, but it is advisable to involve a solicitor to examine the agreement. The solicitor looks if the contract clause is valid and legal to be used as laws keep changing with time.

Sections of an employment contract

  • The name of parties

This clause requires the agency’s full name and the employee’s full names.

  • Date of beginning

The date to be provided here is the one the employee started working in the agency. The date can be even before the contract was signed.

  • Employees title and description

The job title and description should be as per the advertisement. In the same clause, one can write any other job that the employee can do as long as it falls under the job parameter.

  • Workplace

The contract should state the agency’s address and that the address may change with time to allow flexibility.

  • Working hours

The contract should indicate how many hours a week one should work in the agency. If it is a security guard, it should be told if they are working on night or day shifts and how many hours a session.

  • Probation period

Many employers currently are giving employees probationary period. This is where they let the workers work while being supervised. The aim of doing so is to see if the worker can handle the task given to them well. The period lasts for one to two weeks. If the worker manages the lessons well, they are employed, but they are paid for work done then released to try other openings if they fail.

  • Salary

The employer and the employee should be on the same page regarding the salary, and it should be written down for future reference.

Disciplinary measures

In every workplace, there are rules and regulations to be followed. Suppose one goes against the rules, disciplinary measures are to be taken against them. You could be laid off work depending on the intensity of the wrong done.

  • Disability and sickness

This clause should be well taken care of as many employees will fake sick days when they don’t want to work. A doctor’s receipt should be provided when you return to work. Under this clause, the time one should call in for a sick day should be indicated.

  • Pension

This clause requires the employer to explain if the employee will be included in the pension scheme or its stakeholders’ pension scheme.

These are among clauses that can be used when making a contract. You can add according to your liking.

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